Thursday, September 3, 2009

Renewable Energy - Make It - Use It - Sell It

Are you (almost) afraid to open your electric bill each month?

Did you know that the average house uses (approx.) 10,654 kWh of electricity every year? (Source: Dept. of Energy) At an average cost of .1097 cents per kWh, that is $1168.00 per year!?

You know the Sun bombards us with more (free) power & energy than one can imagine and most of that renewable energy is wasted. If you can find a way to harness that energy and use it to power your home, that IS the way to go.

You can save (not pay for) 75 to 90% of your energy bill each and every month if you were able to use the renewable energy produced on a daily basis all around you.

AND why do we need to put up with the fairly regular brown-outs and black-outs that occur in a lot of areas?

As more and more people are becoming aware of the massive impact our energy uses have on the Environment, our wallets, and our National Security, this idea, Solar Power or more specifically, Home Solar Power is seeing a very large surge of interest.

Have you ever thought of having a home solar power energy system in your own back yard?

Many people have been expressing the interest in solar power & wind power for their homes for a couple of reasons:

1. First of all, they want to Save Money!
2. Secondly, of course, they want to help save the environment! (It is, after all, the only place we have to live right now.)

NOW, have you ever imagined building this type of solar power system?

Our Technology based lifestyles have us using all sorts of things to make our life safer, more hygienic, and more comfortable than our ancestors, and why not? However, that does come at a price if you want to continue to pay the electric company, the gas company, or whoever it is that you do pay to power these things that you want and need.

You can get all kinds of information about how to cut-back on your electrical usage but that doesn't change the price you pay for what you do use. Generating your OWN power will.

The first thing you are going to be thinking about is: Finding a professional company that can come in and do all the construction, disrupt your household for a while, (probably) make a mess and then hit you will a bill that might look like you buying a new car.

And of course there is the issue of whether there is anyone in your area that even does this kind of work.

But, Hey, I have a thought! Do you have a little bit of a Do-It-Yourself nature about you?

You can build (yourself) a Home Solar Power system for less than $200.00 with material that you can find at most hardware stores and construct it within the next week.

How does that sound to you?

Imagine if:

You never had to pay an electric bill again,
You KNOW that the power you are generating is Clean and Reliable,
When the power goes out for everyone else on your block, you can still carry on your daily activities,
Any excess power that you produce can either be stored for future use AND/OR
That extra power can be sold to the electric company?

Yes, you can make money from the electric company!

Imagine that.

Make It with your own Emission-free, silent, Green Home Solar Power plant.

Use It to power the lifestyle that you are comfortable with.

Sell It to the electric company when you don't need all of what you produce!

Mickey Brundege lives in the Beautiful Pacific Northwest with his bride of 25 years. He has run a Recycling Business, worked in sales/bookeeping for a Typewriter & Calculator co. He is very interested in the environment as he believes everyone should be.

For additional information addressed by this article go to

You will have access to Step-By-Step instructions as well as videos to help you every step of the way.

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