Sunday, May 31, 2009

Why Custom Sheds Are the Best

If you are looking into purchasing an outdoor storage shed, you may be feeling a little overwhelmed by all the choices on the market today. Perhaps you've seen the ready made sheds at your local home and garden store, but have you considered a custom made shed? In this article we will discuss differences between these two options to help you make an informed decision.

The first thing you should consider when buying an outdoor storage shed is what items you are going to put into the shed and how large of a unit this will require. If you only have a few items for storage such as your lawn mower or other small outdoor equipment, a ready made shed might do the trick. But if you have a lot of things that you are looking to store, a custom shed might be a better choice. Ready made sheds come only in standard dimensions. A custom storage building is made to your own specifications; the more storage you need, the bigger the size and dimension of the shed.

As custom sheds are "made from scratch," you will see that your new shed is a much higher quality product than any ready-made version. Instead of a mass-produced product, your custom shed is built to order by the hands of people who are experienced in the finest workmanship. A custom shed is not only built to your specifications, but it is built on site at your home, taking into consideration your landscape and the layout of your yard.

Unlike a ready made shed, a custom shed has many unique add on features. A custom building can be made to completely match the exterior and esthetics of your home, in turn increasing its value. Not only can your shed have a stucco finish or concrete roofing tiles, but it can also have gutters, a feature that helps to maintain the life of your shed. Custom outdoor sheds come in numerous styles with many unique options such as windows, porches, and French doors. They can even be finished on the inside to be used as a pool cabana, office or hobby space, or a child's playhouse.

When you think about all of the benefits of a custom made shed, it's easy to see why you would not want to purchase any other kind. With everything they offer, custom built sheds really are more cost-effective and way more useful than the ready made type. Not only will you be getting a shed that meets your own personal specifications, but its quality construction also means it will stay strong and in beautiful condition for many years to come.

Having already used Quality sheds to build her California pool cabana, Rochelle Steelsen knew their quality of work was unbeatable. Then Rochelle learned that Quality Sheds had outdoor storage kits that could be finished on the inside. So she purchased one to make a playhouse for her twin girls.

Advantages Framing With Steel

Engine-Driven Air Compressors: An Overview

Air compressors are typically run on either electricity or natural gas. In either case, it is often suggested that fuel and utility costs can be quite hefty. In response to the rising costs of energy, many industries have begun seeking more cost effective ways to power their air compressors. Thus far, natural gas engine-driven air compressors have been the most energy efficient models available.

Natural gas engine-driven air compressors have been praised as an economical means of cutting emissions and energy costs. The combination of a gas powered engine and advanced rotary screws has transformed the air compressor industry. Engine-driven air compressors are so effective in controlling and limiting emissions that they are used in some of the most environmentally strict and safe states such as New York, California and Florida.

Very few industries exist that are not required to purchase air compressors certified by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Industries are either required by law to purchase one or simply understand the importance of an ASME-certified unit. The ASME performs rigorous testing for quality and safety on all devices bearing their quality assurance label. Manufacturers who wish to have their products certified must provide excellent workmanship along with necessary safety features such as an emergency air release valve; this valve relieves air pressure in case of an overload of energy to reduce the risk of an explosion.

Natural gas engine-driven air compressors have been in existence for more than 30 years. Over the years there has, not surprisingly, been great leaps made in technological advancement. One achievement, among many, in air compressor technology is the use of greater horsepower. An engine-driven air compressor that has the capabilities of using advanced horsepower can dramatically cut energy costs. More air is emitted with less strain on the device because of the increased horsepower. The lessening of the strain also helps parts stay in top-quality functioning order, therefore reducing maintenance and replacement costs.

Air Compressors Info provides detailed information about portable, industrial, engine-driven, 12 volt, and used air compressors, as well as air compressor parts, manufacturers, and more. Air Compressors Info is affiliated with Original Content.

Fixings Squeaking Stairs

Applying Asphalt Shingle Roofing

Asphalt Roofing Basics

Being a starter, strip by cutting the tabs off a shingle with a roofing knife. Then cut 6 inches off one end. Positioning the trimmed shingle on the roof with the cut edges overlapping the rake (edge) and eave (bottom by 1/2 to 3/4 inch. Nail the shingle on the roof with four galvanized roofing nails, positioned 3 to 4 inches from the eaves.

Cut the tabs off another shingle and put the full length on the roof. Butt it against the first shingle and nail it in place with galvanized roofing nails spaced 12 inches apart. Continue cutting and installing along the roof until you have installed the starter strip from one side to the other.

Put a shingle on the roof so that the lower edge overlaps the cutter apron at the eaves no more than 3/4 inch. Measure from the edge for the roof to the top of the shingle and snap a chalk line this distance from the edge along the entire roof. Do not use red chalk because red pigment will stain roofing material.

Apply the first shingle of the first course. Begin at the edge and start with a full shingle. Position the shingle to overhang the eaves and rake edges by 3/4 inches. Nail the shingle in place with four nails.

Once the first shingle is on, move to the first shingle of the second course. This helps align the shingles properly and means you do not have to move across the roof for every shingle. Cut 6 inches off the end of a shingle. Align the bottom edge of the shingle with the top of the cutouts in the first shingle. Nail it in place according to the manufacturer's directions.

With 2 shingles in place, start the 3rd course. Cut 12 inches off the end of a shingle. Align the edge with the edge of the roof, and align the bottom with the top of the cutouts in the shingle below. Nail in place continue up the roof to the sixth course, trimming each shingle to be 6 inches narrower than the one below it. After the 6th course, you will apply a full length shingle along the edge of the roof.

Return the lower edge of the roof to reach the space next to the 1st shingle you installed. Butt a full-length shingle next to it and nail it in place.

Work your way up the roof, nailing a single full-length shingle next tot each of the shingles already in place. After you've completed the 6th course, nail a full-length shingle in place to start the seventh course. Measure and snap a chalk line across the top to make sure that the row is straight. Snap a line every seven rows so that you can correct any errors before they get too serious.

Continue working diagonally up and across the roof. All the shingles are full -length, except those shingles so that each is 6 inches narrower than the one below. When the rake shingle is only 6 inches wide, start the pattern over, applying a full shingle above it.

When you reach the far edge of the roof, trim the shingles. On a straight-edge roof, trim the shingles so that they they are just long enough to overlap the rake by no more than 3/4 inch. Having a hooked blade knife will make cutting easier.

Finish shingling all the way up to the ridge, adding flashing as needed. When you reach the top, trim the shingle flush with the ridge. When you shingle the other side of the ridge, overlap the shingle on the ridge and nail it in place. There are companies that provide pre-made ridge caps. Check to see if you can get them for the shingles you are installing.

Cut 12-inch-square hip caps from regular shingles. Then trim them further so that they taper at one end to 10 inches. Snap a chalk line parallel to the hip and 6 inches away from it on each side of the ridge. Attach each side of each cap with one roofing nail, 1 inch from the edge, just above the sealing tab. Overlap the caps by 1 inch.

When 2 hips meet, cut a 4-inch v out of the middle of a hip shingle. Nail in place and cover the nailheads with roofing cement. Shingle ridges as you would hips, working from each end toward the middle. At the midpoint of the ridge, butt the neighboring ridge caps. Cut 1 inch off the narrow end of the final cap shingle, and nail over the butted caps. Cover nailheads with roofing cement.

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Stud Spacing And Wall Framing

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Playground Mulch - A Friend of Kids

The inventor of rubber much deserves great kudos from all of us, because he taught us alternative uses of old rubber tires, which would otherwise have accumulated in unmanageable numbers and destroyed our environment in the long term.

Rubber mulch is put to use on a variety of fields these days. Agriculturists used to put them around their prized plants and herbs to prevent harmful animals like slugs and insects destroying them. Loss of water and surface soil can also be prevented by using rubber mulch. As time went on, it also acquired different looks, like colored mulches for gardens and playgrounds and bigger granules for horse racing arena and playgrounds.

Landscaper mulch determines the contours of your garden and proper placement of mulch increases its visual effect. It has been observed that more and more gardeners and landscapers are waking up to the advantages of rubber. The conventional mulches obtained from organic materials are pass now due to various reasons. The biggest reason is the easy availability of rubber mulch. It is available in all our states and some states like California use more rubber mulch than others.

Playground mulch acts as cushions for kids. Playground accidents are much more common than you think. However, it has been found that accidents are almost non-existent in playgrounds using rubber mulch.

Rubber mulch has the capacity to stay longer with minimal maintenance. It does not mold, rot, or erode as in the case of other mulches. Colored mulches are the cynosure of all eyes in the areas was they are used.

If you are looking for more information about Landscaper Mulch then feel free to visit Playground Mulch.

What Does A Gfi Do

Please Help Us with Your Remodeling Advice

How would you like to help other contractors, home improvement specialists, builders, real estate professionals and anyone else involved in home remodeling. If you have any tips or home improvement advice to you would like to share with our readers, it would greatly be appreciated. Leave all comments below.

Miracle Story With Michael
Genie Of Your Mind

Copper Paint for Dormers, Bay Windows and Overhangs

Looking for a quick improvement to your home's appearance--consider copper liquid coating.

Roofs over dormers or bay windows could be lovely accent areas in the appearance of your home. Dormers are relatively small, but quite visible as you approach your place. Therefore the cost and time could be minimal to achieve a more attractive impression. And copper liquid paint offers an opportunity to change an aging roof surface to something more eye-catching.

Copper liquid coating was developed several years ago to repair damaged metal roofing. These damaged roof panels required weatherproofing as well as a coppery finish. The solution was to add copper flakes to a strong roof coating.

Since my business is restoring old metal roofing, this product quickly became a standard. Over the years, customers have started applying the copper paint themselves on simple projects, such as a dormer.

The copper paint application is truly quite simple. Over the roofing area, wipe clean with a cloth to remove any loose dust and debris . The suggested brush is a stiff one. Just coat or paint over the surface, working the material into the roof; wait for the coating to be dry, then coat again. Primer is not needed.

The copper liquid does require some stirring. This stirring insures the copper flakes are evenly mixed into the urethane base. This copper liquid was designed for roofing work; therefore, if there are pinholes or other small breaks, this material plugs these potential leaks. Two coatings are recommended.

Another accent project with the copper paint is downspouts and gutters. Or perhaps you are considering installing an overhang over a window area. One suggestion is to coat any metal sheet before installing on your home. If there are scratches after the installation of an overhang, just touch up. Maybe there will be enough paint left over for your stove hood.

A question you may ask is, "How can I keep the bright copper look and stop the change to a patina?" The answer is the patina will take years to start to appear. The copper liquid darkens, as does standard copper sheets, then ages. If you want to halt the aging process, apply a clearcoat to prevent the action of air on the copper.

If you, like 95% of the people I talk with, want to allow the copper flakes to age, you will see a change. At first, the luster is quite bright. Within several months, the bronze look emerges and stays for years. Patina green does not appear until near the end of the first decade, just like copper sheets.

Moisture Against Gravity Destroy

Friday, May 29, 2009

Basic Hardwood Floor Repair

In spite of the guarantees you see in the store about how many decades a hardwood floor should last, they seldom last anywhere near that long. There are so many ways in which it can become damaged that it is common for owners to begin repairing hardwood floor boards at some point during the first two decades.

It isn't that hardwood floor repair becomes necessary after so few years because of a flaw in the wood itself. It is just that a floor is something you use regularly. You have people with all sorts of debris passing through the rooms. You have days when you decide to move the furniture. If you kept it cordoned off with ropes in an environmentally controlled room, you would never have to learn how to repair it.

Basic hardwood floor repair skills are necessary because it is not cost effective to replace a floor each time it gets dinged up in various places. When you are trying to fix scratches from a dog chasing your cat through the room or a divot from dropping the desk as you passed through the room, it just makes a lot more sense to do some basic repair. The repair begins when you go after each blemish on a case by case basis, finding the best repair method for each blemish. Here are a few ideas to throw into your mental hardwood repair kit:

-Floor Scratches - check your local hardware store for some color putty and instructions on how to apply it. Roughly, this process is just cleaning the hardwood floor and then applying a color putty stick to the damaged area.

-Deep Floor Scratches - these gouges in your floor will require wood filler matched to your hard floor color tones.

-Gaps Between Boards - your floor will naturally shift over time, particularly if you do not have a firm foundation under your house. Most minor gaps should be ignored, but when they become major you'll need a special gap removal tool.

-Buckling Boards - this is the opposite of gaps. Your floor boards will buckle when they are pushed together, exist at high humidity, or receive severe water damage. As the floor boards have nowhere to go but up, dangerous tripping areas will be created. You need a heavy, complete flat weight to place on these buckling boards for a few days to make them even again.

Tackle each problem on a case by case basis and you'll be able to restore your hardwood floor without spending all that much money.

Niv Orlian is an experienced Home Improvement Adviser who writes articles for his Flooring & Carpet Cleaning online guides.

Visit to learn more about Hardwood Floor Repair

Home Termite Repairs

Thursday, May 28, 2009

How to Repair a Malfunctioning USB Flash Drive

Flash memory, flash drive, pen drive and memory drive are just some of the names that are used to refer to USB flash drive. It is a compact device that was developed to be a secure and safe data transfer as well as data storage gadget. While this travel data storage device may seem to be perfect, it is still possible that it might corrupt your data. Just like in any other technology, a USB flash drive is also prone to technical problems that often lead to the corruption or loss of data. Assuming that its hardware is undamaged, doing a re-format can solve USB problems.

USB formatting is as easy as A-B-C. First, you have to right click on the removable drive corresponding to where the USB was inserted, and then click on the "format" option. Or you can try using the file system drop down, where options "FAT and FAT32" are available. Choose the FAT option, it will reveal format utilities, then click on the "Quick format" option then press on "start" to initiate format operations. This way, all the data that the USB contains will be deleted, but the errors will hopefully be gone. Usually, errors or malfunction occurs during file transfers or data storage. For simple drive errors, scanning and re-formatting can work. In this manner, all the bad sectors of the USB will work like new.

When formatting does not solve your USB problems, you can make use of an alternate method. For more complicated USB problems, you will need to check the bios first to determine the actual problem. Before doing that, it is advised that you backup all the files from your hard drive to another hard drive, CD or DVD, and then turn off your computer. Insert your problematic USB on the drive port and turn on the computer. When the system bios are prompted, immediately press the F8 key. For some computers, it is the delete key or F2 key that initiate bios checking and take note of the operators that are listed on the screen. Using the cursor keys, navigate the bios and boot the CD drive first, save and then exit. Insert your operating system restore disk, save and restart. Simply follow the cue that initiates installation of your operating system. When the USB disk appears on the list of which drive format comes, then your USB is in the clear.

Depending on the options, you must opt out the re-installation of the operating system at this point. If it is still running, simply quit and leave the other drives alone. Try to reset the computer to boot from the disk instead of the CD drive as before. If your USB flash drive is already usable, it must now be detected in windows. If you fail to do this operating system re-installation, then just continue following the installation instructions. However, never try to install the operating system onto the USB disk drive.

Before going over your USB problems and trying out some troubleshooting tricks, have all your files backed up first, this task is something that must not be taken lightly. Although formatting seems easy, it is a lengthy process that needs to be done by somebody who fully understands the application. If everything else fails, get hold of your USB's warranty so you can get it fixed from customer support.

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who writes for a number of UK businesses. For logo branded USB Flash Drives, he recommends

Structural Garage Door Header

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Reglazing Bathtubs for a Whole New Experience

Is there a need to provide a more worthy bathing experience in the household? Then bathtub reglazing may be an option.

Bathtub Reglazing

Bathtub reglazing or refurnishing can improve the features and quality of the present bathtub. The refinishing and the new touches can give a total makeover to the bathing facility. The body bath will be more than inviting, it will be exhilarating.

Implementing the Reglazing

Should one feel the need to reglaze the present bathtub, there are two options to proceed. It can be a do-it-yourself experience or professional services or assistance may be sought. It really depends on the size of the tub and the size of the jobs. It will also depend to the owner, whether or not there is enough time to spare for the endeavor or sufficient resources to use.

What to Reglaze or Refurnish?

The bathtub can be refinished in any way deemed proper by the owner. Whatever the imagination may suggest can be achieved.

1. Bath Floors

The bath floors can be made non-slippery so as to provide more mobility during bath time, no need to worry over sudden slips or freak accidents.

2. Styles

The usual styles of bathtub are built-in, freestanding, soaking or specialty. Some choose the clawfoot for more antique look.

Whirlpools, Jacuzzis and jets can also be installed. Just make sure there is enough supply of hot water to maximize this experience.

3. Bathtub Material

The tub replacement can also go according to a specific theme. Tubs now come in different quality materials. They can be made of porcelain on steel, fiberglass, composite, cast iron, acrylic or cultured marble. See all choices available.

4. Size

The size can also be designated. Single bathtubs are available, although bathtubs for two may be more preferable for couples. Be sure to try it out first before buying. It should have enough space for stretching out. It should also support properly the back, head and neck.

5. Faucet and shower valves

There are also a variety of faucet and shower valves to choose from. Pick one that will best make the shower experience a comfortable one.

6. Accessories

The tub can also be made aesthetically pleasing. Special lightings and enclosures may be provided to provide a certain ambience. Even audio and DVD systems may be installed. Choose any accessory that will satisfy the desires. Just make sure that safety standards are still met.

Consider all these options in planning the bathtub. Also make sure that it fits the budget. Design the bathroom without letting all the money down the drain.

Seek Professional Experience

Should one not feel confident enough to take the reglazing matters alone, then it is not bad to seek the help of experts.

Some services are available within the area. Just check out the address book. The Internet also provides services. Some web sites can connect a person to a contractor within the area.

Asking for recommendations from other friends would be helpful. Find a contractor that has successfully and properly installed a bathtub.

The next thing to consider with the bathtub remodeler is the estimate if the project. The contractors can coordinate with the owners on arranging the matters so the budget can meet the plan.

After negotiating with the contractor, the project must be scheduled. This will matter most if the owner wants to oversee the whole project. It is also important to comply with local building inspections.

The Remodeling Experience

There are many things to learn in remodeling a bathtub. It is imperative that fixtures and accessories of premium brand be chosen. One also has to see to it from the planning stage, implementation until it is fully finished.

The possibilities are endless. With reglazing, the bathtub is more than just a washing and showering facility. It will be the ultimate expression of the valued comfort, safety and cleanliness.

Claire Bowes is a successful Webmaster and publisher of bathtub refinishing. Claire provides more information on her site about bathtub reglazing that you can research at home.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

NOS - New Old Stock - Old Appliance Parts

The world is in the throes of recession these days and it's only getting worse. The economy is stalling and the purchasing power of people is dwindling. So much so that people don't want to spend money on any new gadgets or equipment even when their appliances stop working or develop problems. They would rather get them repaired. Broken appliances are often times still usable to a person with knowledge; however the replacement of parts can be a dicey affair. Nowadays, new models of household appliances are replacing the older ones almost every day. Hence, the faster the models get replaced, the faster the older models become obsolete and it becomes difficult to locate their parts!

It has been observed in most of the cases that an appliance breaks down due to a malfunction, short circuit or blown fuse. When this happens in most instances the repair guy will need a replacement for the part in order to get the piece of equipment working again. When the problem lies in a broken or damaged part, a repair cannot be successful without replacing the part. So if the part is not replaced, then that piece of equipment is only good for one thing and that's the garbage. The problem that occurs with parts is not for the newer models, as they are still manufactured and parts readily available, the problem is with older models because they become obsolete and the same goes for any necessary spare parts.

What is the meaning of an obsolete part.

If you look at any particular model of any kind of home equipment or appliance, you will find that it's made out of an assembly of parts and mechanisms which are unique to a particular model or design. These components give the equipment or the model its true identity. These components are the reason why a model is able to score over its competitors and advertise the advantages that it has over the other models. The makers of these appliances test them using a variety of performance tests and then are able to estimate the approximate life span of the appliance. Based on their calculations, they make the spare parts for the number of years that the models are produced and are estimated to last. After those years, these models are deemed obsolete since newer versions take their place and the manufacturers stop making these spare parts.

Most times, a well cared for appliance often lasts longer than its expected manufacturers lifetime. However, as the age increases, problems do arise. To add to it, most of the times certain parts need replacement to correct the issues faced, but since the machines aren't manufactured anymore and are very old, there are no more parts available, therefore tje repairman finds it difficult to repair these appliances. However, this problem can now be solved by some companies that have a warehouse full of Obsolete Appliance Parts, they are rare, but do exist! Try finding them on the internet. And don't give up looking quit looking for a spare part since we might just have it!

Eric Stein is the eCommerce manager for Midwest Appliance Parts, which specializes in helping people find the appliance parts they need to cost effectively repair their appliances by themselves. MAP has a huge inventory of new appliance parts for all the latest models and also obsolete appliance parts. So next time your machine has a problem, save time and money by starting your search for appliance parts at Midwest Appliance Parts!

Comment on Wood Deck Repairs

Do you have any ideas for building or repairing wood decks . We would love to hear from you in the comment area.

Solar House Books
Home Theater Books

Monday, May 25, 2009

Creating Fear at Work

I have been watching one company , within nine months, let over 40% of their workforce go and this is creating fear, for some of the employees. This is pretty common as we start to head deeper into hard times, I don't really know what causes economic cycles but they never have made much sense to me.

Fear seems to feed off of more fear as it's creating even more fear in the workplace. Most people that work, and enjoy eating food and drinking water and probably enjoy the shelter of their home or apartment, do not want to see this life style end. Nobody does.

As a employee and employer I would like to give both the employer and the employee some valuable advice, I've learned working as a contractor.

Let's start with the employee, it's very easy to become complacent and expect your job to be there forever while contributing just enough to get by and keep your boss happy or content. This attitude is normally okay when the economy is going gangbusters, but now that we're in hard times and businesses seem to be suffering, you're going to have to put a little more effort into your job, if you want to keep it.

Is there a way, where you can help your company develop a new product, come up with a new innovative idea, figure out a more efficient way of doing something or can you at least focus your attention on your job while you're working. Don't think about this once and quit, make a little sign for your office and put it in the lunch room or by the water cooler, that says something like, "Helping Our Company Is Helping Ourselves, Let's Work Harder and Smarter." If your company needs inspiration this could be considered a new innovative idea and could help the company.

Most employees look at their employers as rich and undeserving of their services, yet stay in their employment for many years. Even in good times, you should change your thinking or change your job. No one should be miserable or unhappy in a place that requires 40 hours out of every week of their lives.

Now it's the employers turn. I can't stand an employer that fires someone on a day's notice, because they're worried about something the employee is going to do to their business. This doesn't seem fair to the employee or give them enough time to find another job.

Most employers don't even fire the people that work for them, over the years I've noticed more companies hiring someone for this unpleasant task and it seems to alienate them from the people who have contributed to their wealth or misfortune.

Creating fear in the workplace is no way for people to be treated or thriving companies to continue to operate. The company I mentioned above is a motivational and self help performance company. It's kind of an oxymoron if you think about it.

Employers should treat their employees with a little more compassion and employees should try to spend some time understanding what their employers are going through.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world.

Exterior Wood Beams

Distractions - The Downfall of Internet Marketers

If one considers how many times in the day than an interruption of some sort pops up, steps could be taken to alleviate most of them.

Internet marketing, the successful promoting of a website, takes an immeasurable amount of thought, creativity and action. To approach a top position on Google, one must gear one's thinking to the job at hand. Becoming distracted from some important task, such as writing an effective article, can make the idea fly right out the window!

A common scenario...

"Sitting down to write an article, John begins his daily routine of visualization, then arranging thoughts in his head of what he desires to write about that day. The process begins...the phone rings...could be business related...whatever. The call lasts 30 minutes. John gets back to the job at hand and says, 'Wonder what I was going to write?' This great idea has gone away never to return."


Did the call make John money? No! It was precious time and energy wasted for nothing. The time would have been much better spent ignoring the call and getting the thoughts down on paper. Perhaps that article would have been the one that would have captured the attention of many people...and sales would have been made.

Another example...

"John is continually checking his email. Every few minutes this is the process through the day. Are the emails ever important. No...just a hodgepodge of junk mostly. Does John make money on those emails?...NO! Should John be an addictive email checker...again NO! Just check the emails a couple of times per day...go through the junk...and be done with it."

Just a little tweaking in a persons day can improve valuable internet marketing skills to a great degree.

The rule of thumb never recaptures time lost! There are 24 hours in every single day to make the most of. Distractions literally eat up most of those precious moments.

One simply need to take back the time for personal development and growth and effective internet marketing strategies.

The journey will be well worth the effort in freedom gained.

Butch Hamilton is an SEO|SEM Specialist. He also is a WebTrafficConnection and a Veretekk trainer. Living on the internet has become a way of life...a succesful way of life. His talents for obtaining top positions on the search engines have led him to the point in his life where he has always wanted to be.

Says Mr. Hamilton, "Writing has always been my passion. Gone are the days when I placed blatant ads on the internet for exposure. I have found my life's work in writing articles.

Reliable and credible information is what the internet is all about to Butch Hamilton. His experience as a self employed building contractor...steel fabrication...has led him on an incredible journey.

He now resides in his beautiful home in Texas with his wife. Writing is the passion behind his successful promoting ability on the net.

Butch Hamilton's Quote: "What we think-is what we become."

Mr. Hamilton is a Spiritualist as well. Knowing the answers to life has been an incredible journey. His plans to write his first book are quickly approaching.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Can You Help Us with Your Remodeling Experience

To would appreciate any home remodeling tips for ideas that you have that could help other homeowners, building contractors and other people involved in home remodeling. Post all your comments below.

Masonry Books

Remodeling Your Bathroom For Your Health

You might be cleaning your bathroom on a regular basis, scrubbing the bathroom tiles and the toilet bowl, as well as wiping down the shower and changing the towels regularly, but are you doing enough? The motivation for contemporary bathroom might not be about creating a modern style, but rather making sure that your bathroom is clean and healthy to use. In order to keep you and your family safe, here are some bathroom remodeling tips you need to use.

What is lurking in your bathroom?

One of the biggest problems in the bathroom is bacteria and this makes sense given the fact that you use the bathroom for germ filled activities, using the toilet and cleaning off your body. However, these bacteria do not normally cause problems for healthy adults when you clean regularly. If you have someone in your home that might be more sensitive to these kinds of germs, you can start a contemporary bathroom remodeling project that includes surfaces that are easier to clean, i.e. flat surfaces and metals, so that germs cannot congregate. Black mold can be much trickier to find, residing in the walls and underneath bathroom tiles, so there is more work to be done for that kind of grime.

Battling mold with a remodel

When you suspect that you have mold in your bathroom, the first thing you will want to do is call in someone to test your speculation. A mold testing professional will come out to your house to see just how many spores are in your bathroom and whether or not you need to hire someone to remove the mold or you can remove it yourself. If you are able to remove it yourself, you will want to get rid of all of the items that are infested with the mold, fixtures, wall pieces, cabinets, bathroom tiles, etc. This will get your bathroom off to a clean start. If you cannot remove a particular item, you can clean it down with a bleach solution or as recommended by the tester or other professional. In this remodel, you will also want to install a high quality bathroom fan that will keep the air from being moist and allowing mold to grow in these conditions.

Other tips for remodeling for health

Those with allergies will need certain help from your contemporary bathroom remodeling project. Those with allergies to dust and mold will need the bathroom to be easy to clean. Surfaces need to be flat and smooth, without any cracks or crevices that might harbor dirt or allergens. If you currently have bathroom tiles, these will probably need to be removed and replaced with a flat tiling setup. Those with immune system problems will need surfaces to be made from anti-bacterial materials, which are expensive, but worth the additional costs. The biggest concern is simply the regular use of a good, high quality bathroom fan. This fan should be used during any showers or baths and then be run for at least thirty minutes after the bath has ended. The fan should be cleaned on a monthly basis, if not more regularly. You might also want to look into HEPA air filters for your bathroom, if severe allergies are an issue.

Your bathroom is always going to be a popular room in your house, but when you plan a contemporary bathroom remodeling project with health in mind, it will be the safest room in the house as well.

Dave Robert is a VP at Discount Bathroom Vanities Publishing, and an avid fixer-upper who's been restoring old houses for more than twenty years. Readers can tap into Dave's knowledge about home remodeling, and kitchen and bathroom design, at:

Solana Beach Remodeling

Friday, May 22, 2009

Pest Control For Vineyard Grapes

There are different varieties of pests that can spoil a grapevine. Insects, birds, deer can spoil the grapevines and plant diseases can infect them. Mildew, Black rot, Phomopsis cane, leaf spot and fungus are the most common diseases that infect grapevines. The grapevines exhibit many symptoms that are visible and signal the onset of a disease. The leaves of the grapevine become discolored, lesions or a film begin to color the leaves or the fruits start to decay. A fungicide should be used to fight the disease that has infected the grapevine. But the owner of the grapevine should look into the problem carefully before he figures out the solution.

There are also a wide variety of insects that would love to spoil the grapevines. The most common ones are the grape berry moths that lay their eggs on top of the grapes. Once the eggs hatch, the young ones will create holes in the fruits along with webs, which will signal a problem in the grapevine to its owner. Grape leaf hoppers will target the lower part of the leaves. But only large numbers of these insects can damage the grapevine. The Japanese beetle mainly infects grapes that grow in the United States of America. They drastically reduce the amount of the grapes that the grapevine can produce. Rose chafers are a variety of beetle that directly infects the grapes in the vine. The grapevines are string enough to tolerate small to medium level of attack from insects. The insects that attack grapes cane be controlled using insecticides.

Birds also attack grapevines. The extent of damage that be caused to the grapevines by birds can be large. But it is easier to scare birds that come in a group than scare a single one bird, which attacks the grapevines. The grapevines can be covered using a net in order to protect them from birds. The net can be used to cover the grapevines for a period of thirty months. But the net cover should be removed before the winter begins otherwise ice will start to form on top of the net and this can also damage the grapevine. It is also useful to use a net as a cover since grapevines grow on trellises and they can be protected easily. Some visual objects are also used to scare the birds easy and these can be erected easily. There are certain cannons, which can be bought from the market. The timer on these cannons can be set in such a way that a loud exploding sound is emitted at regular intervals. This loud sound will help to scare away the birds. But if the grapevines are being grown in the backyard, then the sound of the cannons will become a nuisance to the neighbors. These visual objects can be plates of aluminum or even artificial birds like hawks, owls and snakes.

Deer also contribute towards damaging a grapevine especially during the spring season when the shoots start appearing and the food available for deer is little. Different types of smell can be used to drive away the deer from the grapevines. The smell of human hair or soap can be used by people growing grapes to drive away deer from their grapevines. The smell of coyotes can also be used to drive away the deer from a grapevine. Since growing grapes requires a lot of time and effort, it is also important to protect them from pests and animals.

Didier LeScraigne is a grape growing expert and experienced wine maker. For more great tips on how to grow grapes and make wine visit

Homeowners with Good Contractor Stories

I would love to hear your good contractor stories. I'm so tired of hearing about contractor nightmares, is there anyone out there that has a good contractor story. Place it in the comment area underneath this question.

Solar House Books

Thursday, May 21, 2009

How To Create A Patio Deck Design

A Patio Deck Design will add beauty to your home. Creating a patio deck design is an investment that will add value to your home for years to come.

Many people these days are creating indoor living for the outdoors, with patio deck design you can accomplish just that. You can make your patio deck design an extension of your home by creating outdoor kitchens and living areas with fireplaces and many other features you can create. By doing these changes and adding a patio deck design everyone will want to spend more time enjoying the outdoors.

The first thing you need to think about is whether or not you will be hiring a professional to help you plan and create your new patio deck design. If you are doing it yourself spend time drawing up a plan, measure your whole backyard first.

Then you need to ask yourself what will the backyard be used for? Will it be only for relaxing?, To have friends and family over for BBQ's?, Just for the kids to play?, Will it include a garden area? Or you can also have any combination of any of these areas. Do you want to add a water feature, like a pond or a fountain?

In your patio deck design drawings you will need to know how much space you want to devote to your new patio deck design and any other areas' you want to include. When you are planning, you can place everything where you want it how much space for each.

In planning your patio deck design drawing you can research what materials you will be using for each area.

The patio deck design can be one of several types of materials. The wood deck, usually requires a professional to install. The hard scape patio deck design consists of man-made stone pavers or bricks or even natural stone like flagstones is one of many choices for the patio deck design.

You also have the choice of decorative concrete, colors can be added to suit your taste and the concrete can also be stamped, meaning it can be made to look like stone, pavers, flagstones, the professionals who install the decorative concrete usually will have many choices for the patio deck design so as to match whatever look you are trying to create for your outdoor living area.

When planning your patio deck design, the deck or the hard scape will usually be coming right off the house (your back door) and water elements are usually away from the house, although you still want to be able to see and hear the water feature. Planning your patio deck design is the most important step, so make sure you take your time and include everything you want into your plan.

If you only choose one or several changes for your patio deck design, you will add value and charm to your back yard so that you, your family and friends can enjoy spending more time outdoors together.

Enjoy your new patio deck design!

Please visit our web site at where you can find ways to makeover every room in your home inside and out.

Sue Inman - Owner of Suber, Inc. at in San Antonio, Texas Born and raised a Texan, I believe in putting your heart into every thing you do 100%. I am a happily married mother of four children all under the age of ten, and lovin every minute of it.

Plumbing Pipes Crammed Into Stud

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Home Remodeling Stair Lighting Help

Walking up and down the stairs in the dark could become a safety issue. If the stairs in the house are not that old, there should be a light switch at the top and a light switch at the bottom of the stairway. This is a three way switch and is designed to allow you to turn the stair lighting on as you walk up the stairs and then turn the stair lighting off, once you've safely reached the top of the stairway. And vice versa as she walked down the stairs.

If you don't have a light switch, there are motion sensor lights that are battery operated and can be installed easily in the stairway. These lights can provide you with peace of mind, while protecting your family from accidents.

Stairway accidents are nothing to joke about, I lived in a two-story house with four other people and was the last one to fall down the stairway. None of us got seriously injured and the stairway was built to meet local building codes and was inspected by a building and safety inspector. The stairs were built correctly and the stair lighting was no problem, but people still fell down the stairway and it always happens in the evening.

During the day time there were two windows that let plenty of light into the stairway and in the evening the stairway became quite dark, rarely was the stair lightning ever turned on. This could have been outright laziness but nevertheless, it was rarely used and eventually became a safety issue.

Lighting your stairway might not end all of your problems but it can and some of your problems. There are plenty of stair lighting systems available on the market today and some of the battery operated stair lighting systems can be installed by most homeowners.

Think safety always and do your best to solve your stair lighting problems as soon as possible to prevent injuries or accidents.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more building stairs or home building ideas.

House Attic Books

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Which Stove Cooktops Are More Energy Efficient?

When it comes to designing a green kitchen, evaluating stove cooktops for their energy efficiency can cause you to make a decision between convenience or your preferred method of cooking and being eco-friendly.

Unless you are going to cook in your fireplace over an open flame, you've got to consider the energy usage of the model of stove or cooktop that you buy. Most cooks prefer a gas cook top. With gas, the heat is easier to control and this can make cooking a lot easier.

However, gas stoves are powered by natural gas which is a fossil fuel and, as we know, fossil fuels are not that environmentaly friendly. On the other hand, the electricity that powers electric cook tops comes mainly from coal burning power plants which, once again, are not that environmentally friendly.

When it comes right down to it, choosing stoves and cooktops that are practical and good for the environment boils down to one thing - the efficiency of energy usage.

Which Stove Cooktops Are Most Energy Efficient?

When looking for energy efficiency, the electric cooktops are going to beat the gas once hands-down. But, there are many different types of electric cooktops that you'll need to evaluate for your green kitchen. In today's electric cooktops, there are many choices between the surface elements. These include induction elements, halogen elements and the traditional electric coil that seemed to be almost old-fashioned today.

Needless to say, the newer technology cooktops are going to be more costly but theye will also be more energy-efficient. The induction stove is the most energy-efficient because it transfers energy electromagnetically right to your pan. Of course, these of the highest priced. The ceramic glass cooktops that use halogen elements are the next best, however if you don't have very flat pans, you will be wasting energy because they do not work efficiently if there isn't good pan to cooktop contact. The least expensive - the electric coils are also the least energy-efficient.

When considering stove cooktops for your kitchen, you're going to have to weigh your budget with your desire to lower your carbon footprint. Going with a higher-priced and more efficient model might cost you more upfront but can save on your energy expense as well as your impact to the environment over time.

To find out more about which stove cooktops are more energy efficient as well as get more tips for an eco-friendly green kitchen, visit

Wood Floor Discoloring

Outdoor Wall Fountains Are Good For the Soul

Instant tranquility. Just position your chaise lounge near the serene sounds of an outdoor wall fountain. Stress levels decline, bliss readings rise.

Outdoor wall fountain tips for apartment dwellers
Flowing water brings sound and movement to even the tiniest of balcony gardens, creating an aura of spirit-lifting tranquility. In recent years, the choice of balcony-sized water features has grown to include everything from budget-priced kits to superb artist's pieces. Outdoor Wall fountains make the most of vertical space, while small bowls or pools can splash, spill, bubble or spray according to the music you like best. Water plants, such as water lilies and iris, are optional. Good ideas and practical advice can be found in by reading your favorite Website for Small Gardens.

Wall fountains are versatile-indoors or outdoors
The beauty of purchasing an outdoor wall fountain is that many of the kits can also be used inside as well.When selecting an outdoor water fountain, you want to think ahead and make sure the outdoor water fountain will age well over the years.They can be made from a variety of materials and for extra drama, can be illuminated.

Most outdoor wall fountains are not so hard to install
The sound of water in the back yard garden adds a lovely touch of serenity and a feeling that all is right with the world. The tinkling sound of gently running water from an outdoor wall fountain just has a peaceful effect to the heart and soul. An outdoor wall fountain relaxes, calms and takes us far away from the pressure cooker stresses of modern life.Many psychiatrists incorporate water fountains in the gardens of treatment facilities. Outdoor water fountains are featured on rooftops of metropolitan skyscrapers so that business executives can unwind and distress.

City dwellers with the small courtyard or compact backyard can create a haven of paradise by adding a variety of plants, goldfish, tasteful statues and an outdoor wall fountain. Just about all outdoor wall fountains are very surprisingly tasteful in design.Many even come in a lightweight resin, which has the added benefit of being easily attached to the common privacy wooden fence without additional hardware being necessary.

Tips for Apartment Dwellers:
Flowing water brings sound and movement to even the tiniest of balcony gardens, creating an aura of spirit-lifting tranquility. In recent years, the choice of balcony-sized water features has grown to include everything from budget-priced kits to superb artist's pieces. Wall fountains make the most of vertical space, while small bowls or pools can splash, spill, bubble or spray according to the music you like best. Water plants, such as waterlilies and
iris, are optional.

Kristina L. is resource for the website, your one stop shop for any type of water fountains and water fountain information. You will find many outdoor fountains for your garden, wall fountains, tabletop fountains and even custom fountains. Visit or call to talk to one of our water fountain experts.

Monday, May 18, 2009

So Many Benefits in Building a Green House

Energy and cost efficiency are two perks of building using green architecture and design. At first the cost of building green may seem steep compared to a standard home, but the savings on utility bills can compensate handsomely. In green house design, electricity is used more efficiently.

Alternative energy sources can be used to actually save money. Using wind turbines can be one way to create electricity in green homes. Solar panels are an additional way to power electricity in a green house. With the cost of gas and coal powered utilities soaring, an investment in green technologies is likely to offset or even eliminate dependency on these limited resources for those building a green house. Installation and materials are the only aspects of solar and wind power that cost the builder anything. Both abundant and constantly renewable, the resources of sunlight and wind are free! Building green houses with wind turbines and solar panels can be both environmentally friend and economical as sources of power.

Another design concept that can be used is the gray water system. Gray water systems are more efficient because they use water from one area of household and recycle it elsewhere in the dwelling. For instance, using a gray water system could allow green home residents to collect water used while showering for watering a garden or flushing toilets! Unnecessary water waste is decreased in recycling water throughout the home from day to day. Reducing the carbon footprint of a home and saving money on water utilities are two benefits afforded by using state of the art gray water system technologies.

Building materials used and design of the dwelling are also key factors to consider when building a green house. Recycled or salvaged materials are an option in building a green house. From insulation to roofing and even flooring, it is possible to use recycled or salvaged materials for nearly every surface in green house designs! Recycled and salvaged materials have the double benefit of being both more cost effective and in many cases, more durable than other kinds of building materials. Using locally salvaged building materials can reduce the carbon footprint of a home even more if they are locally obtained. Since it does not require as much energy to manufacture and transport locally salvaged building materials, less pollution is created building a green house.

Different kinds of architecture can be used in building a green house in order to regulate indoor temperatures. Design which increases exposure to sunlight and heat retention is possible with green architecture and would benefit those building in cold climates. In warmer climates, a comparable principle of design can be used in building a green house. In warm places, residents can minimize sun exposure and harness naturally cooler biomasses beneath the surface of the Earth. The ways to reduce carbon footprints while saving money are truly endless when building a green house!

See more about building a green house at

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Problems Walking on an Old Roof

Here's some things to think about before walking on the roof of a house. If you slip and fall off the roof you could get hurt seriously. For your own safety if you have no experience walking on a roof use extreme caution. I would even suggest using a ladder and moving the latter around the perimeter of the house if you are inspecting the roof for damage.

Here's some things to keep in mind before walking on a house roof.

1. If the building is above two stories hire a contractor especially if you think the roof has building damage.

2. If the roof is too steep stay off. This could be extremely hazardous to your health.

3. If the roof is severely damaged and has loose shingles or tiles, this could create a safety hazard as you slip on one of these loose shingles and possibly fall off the roof.

4. You should stay off the roof at all costs if there is snow or ice. Ice obviously is extremely slippery and would be difficult to walk on. The difficulty would be increased if the roof has a steep slope.

5. Now last but not least if the roof is wet you should avoid walking on it until it is dry. I have been on wet roofs before and personally slipped myself losing my balance but not falling off of the roof.

Climbing up on a roof and walking around is not child's play and should be left to an experienced professional . If you feel comfortable walking around on any roof please use caution. If you slip in the middle of the roof there is a good chance you will be able to regain your balance or have time to stop yourself before falling off.

I would suggest using caution near the edges of the roof. If the roof is too steep or you don't feel comfortable, why risk serious injury. Use common sense along with the proper ladders to ensure your safety and "Think before walking on a house roof."

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Home Building Books

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Home Boat Building - Lofting Or Full Sized Plans?

I often get posed the question, "Do your plans come full sized or do you need to loft them?" I have to truthfully answer, neither, which often confuses people because they believe home built wooden boat plans are one or the other. In these days of computer aided design (CAD) drafting, no longer is it necessary to loft boat plans, because the computer actually does this for the boat designer. What this means to the boat builder, is that all they need to do is measure and mark, not loft.

Lofting is a process whereby the boat is actually drawn full sized to determine the exact sizes of the frames and components. Back when boat plans were drawn by hand in smaller scale, it was impossible to draw them accurately enough to ensure the finished boat had "fair" curves, that is to say, curves that smoothly transitioned from one part of the hull to the other. In the old days, a table of offsets or a half hull model was used to lay out several key points on the hull, and a long flexible piece of wood, called a spline was used to create a fair curve. From this full-sized drawing, measurements were taken to determine the exact sizes of the framing elements.

Enter the computer and Computer Aided Drafting (CAD.) This revolution in the boat designer's world allowed the naval architect to use an infinitely large piece of paper on which to design his boat full-size. Some of the early versions of AutoCAD came with a full scale drawing of the solar system with all of the planets and moons. It was 93 million miles from the earth to the sun! It gave you an appreciation of how huge the solar system actually is. On the other hand, I have offset likes one millionth of an inch and was able to zoom in until the two lines appeared on opposite sides of the computer screen.

So, no, you don't need to loft designs properly designed on CAD, and no there is no reason to need full sized plans or patterns, so long as you select modern plans by designers who use modern technology to design their boats. All plans from Spira International are computer generated for accuracy and pre-lofted in the computer. If you have selected plans from another designer, ask before you buy, "Are these pre-lofted or do they come full sized?" If neither, then you have a big job ahead of you and you better check a few books out of the library so that you can learn to loft.

Jeff Spira is a naval architect, marine engineer, writer and historian offering custom design easy to build boat plans at the Spira International website at: Learn about boat building including stitch and glue, download a free pdf ebook boat plan with illustrations, or watch Jeff's boat building video as featured on YouTube.

Long Dryer Vent Problems

Webmaster Services - Building and Selling Websites

There is extensive demand for webmaster services - even during the existing credit crunch - and with newspaper, radio and TV ads costing so much these days, the one essential marketing tool that everybody needs is a website, even it's just a simple homepage.

Look around and you'll see that prices vary greatly for webmaster services and there are as many lone operators as there are big, flashy and expensive web design companies.

If you've decided that a website business is the way to go for your home internet business, there are a few things I'd recommend from personal experience.

I've made quite a few websites for other people now, and I learnt very quickly that you need to take great care in being clear about what's included in the price if this is one of your favoured money making ideas:

  • Do sit down with your client and discuss what they want from their website before you do anything or start any work
  • Make sure you state in writing exactly what you will be providing as part of your webmaster services and what the cost will be.Get you customer to sign this sheet before work begins.
  • Be clear about additional costs for work if they ask for something extra which wasn't included in the original plan - be clear about your hourly charges
  • If you're new to the game, don't offer a service which is beyond your technical abilities
  • Keep the customer informed about the progress of their website ... let them view it's progress in a password protected area where the public can't see how the site is developing
  • Once the website is finished, give the customer a signing off sheet so that they can approve everything that you have done. Make it clear that once they sign this 'approval' sheet, any changes are chargeable at your hourly rate.
  • Make it clear that payment becomes due once the website has been signed off, and state prominently your payment terms (30 days, 1 month, 1 week ... whatever you prefer)
  • Be very clear about who owns the copyright of the website ... is it yours or the customers?
  • Find a pal to work with, in case you end up with too much work on your plate. It might be another local person offering webmaster services or a friend with the right set of skills, but set up an 'overspill' arangement if you're a 'one man band'.
  • As a webmaster you hold all the power over people who don't pay up. If they don't pay within 30 days, remove their website from the live server ... it helps to focus priorities!
  • Only release passwords (FTP, hosting company etc) once payment has been received and cleared.
  • Make sure that you delete records of private data afterwards under your data protection obligations.

5 more useful tips for people offering webmaster services That's the sensible and business-related advice, but what about the day-to-day practicalities of offering webmaster services?

Here are my top 5 suggestions to help you on your way:

  • Think about your marketing, online and offline. Make sure you havea web presence set up before you start in business and get some cards printed, it costs less than 20 for a couple of hundred these days.
  • If you're working from home, consider setting up a PO Box number to separate your home life from your work life. These cost about 65 per year, and for around the same amount you can have the PO Box mail automatically delivered to your home address.
  • Consider setting up a Skype telephone number as a business number if you're working at home. It can be easily set up with a voicemail facility and it means that clients won't get the kids picking up the phone when you're not around, giving you a 24/7 phone service at much less than the costs of a landline.
  • Build testimonials as you create more websites for more people and make sure you link out to other sites that you have created - it's your portfolio after all, or online shop window.
  • Consider establishing a reputation for online freelance work as this will help you to even out the peaks and troughs of not having much work on at times.

Paul Teague has more free tips for people starting or running home internet businesses at

Horizontal Or Vertical Drywall

Friday, May 15, 2009

3 Basic Steps in Building Your Home Based Catering Business

You know you're a good cook. Everyone's raving and about your specialty and they're clamoring for more. You also made it a point to take summer classes in cooking. It's always been your dream job to start our own home based catering business. And now that you think you're ready, you need some pointers on what to do.

This article will help you turn your dream into a reality. So sit back, relax and ponder the following tips and tricks designed especially for first time entrepreneur like you.

1. When you plan to have a home based catering business, you have to be realistic and practical, especially in the first stages of the business. Aside from your culinary skills, you need to take care of the financial and managerial aspect of the business. If you're going to be the cook, you can't be the manager, the server and the financer at the same time. If you plan to have business partners, let them do their work. If you plan to hire workers, learn to delegate tasks as early as possible. Yes, the home based catering is your dream but you can only make it a reality if you know how to balance the dreams with the realities of life.

2. Before starting up the business, make sure that you have all the necessary papers and licenses. Visit your town office and secure all the required authorizations, permits and certificates.

3. Since your home will be your office and your place of work, you need to make sure that everything in your kitchen or in your cooking place will be approved by the health and sanitization committee.

Having a home based catering business can be a wonderful career where you can use your creative abilities with your joy of serving others. Set your business up right in the first place then provide great customer service and you'll be able to grow successfully in the years to come.

Whether you are thinking about catering a big party yourself or starting your own catering business, we have the best catering tips and ideas at

Structural Stucco Crack

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Is Money a Big Part of Organized Religion?

Where do you think most modern day religious organizations would be without money? Is money really a big part of modern day organized religion or is that something in the past. Why do certain scriptures require their believers to donate a portion of their earnings?

Does this money improve the lives of religious believers? I'm asking these questions because most people won't. Most people don't even no where the money they earn is going. If you donate money to a religious organization and they choose to hire someone to install stained glass windows throughout the sanctuary, is this really going to help the congregation. Is this a want or a need?

When does a religious group become too powerful for its own good. Do you think the Catholic religion, which at the time of me writing this article, is the largest organized religion in the world, by itself, is very powerful or driven by finances. This organization has seeked wealth and power for centuries, creating an establishment that has its hands in everything all over the world.

Is it fair to have religious leaders living a life of luxury, while some of their followers suffer and go without food or shelter. Should some of this money go towards the aid of others who choose not to believe in the religious culture of their patrons?

Why do some people give money to their religious organization, even though they can barely survive. Are these people driven to contribute money because someone makes them feel guilty? Some of these people give money and time, even at the expense of their own family. It's just not fair, when I see people who are barely scraping by but give faithfully to an organization that promises them a better life after they die.

Your rewards for living a good life on Earth will be received after you die and are allowed to enter the kingdom of heaven. Does anyone have any proof of this? If you choose to base your life entirely on faith instead of seeking knowledge and wisdom, or even questioning your religious doctrine, you're not doing yourself any favors.

Money plays a big part in organized religion and honestly does a lot of good throughout the world. Christianity has had a large impact on the United States of America but only time will tell if it was a good thing or not.

If you have extra money and desire to give it to a religious organization of your choice, feel free, but if you're giving 10% of the money you've earned and really can't afford to, I wish you would take the time to research what your church actually spends it's money on. If your church is building another church in Mexico but you don't have enough money for food, clothes or other necessities, I would suggest that you let other people donate their extra money instead.

It might not be mentioned anywhere in your religion, but I'm sure your God or the ultimate Almighty power of the universe you believe in, does not want anyone to suffer or go without, because your religious organization chooses to make you feel guilty if you do not contribute a certain amount of money, for whatever reasons they can possibly come up with.

If everyone that believes in this interpretation has the keys to the kingdom of heaven, wouldn't Jesus be suggesting a life kind of like Mother Teresa but without any money. She wouldn't be allowed to ask any wealthy people for money, let alone use it if she acquired it somehow.

Have you ever ask yourself is there any Hope in Religion .

Would it be safe to a sound that by asking for money from a wealthy person would mean I would not be going to happen. Does it say anything in the Bible about using money from a wealthy person for great earthly deeds and you get to go to heaven but he does not. If this is starting to sound a little confusing, welcome to my world. There are very few people that follow organized religion, that even ask these questions, let alone seek the answers and find the truth and keeping an open mind to future information that possibly could change the old answer that they accepted as a truth but now realize, the possibility that the old information could be wrong.

If you were a religious leader and could not answer some of the major questions that you yourself had, would you continue living a life of confusion or seek relentlessly to find the answers until you are satisfied. Knowing that if you were satisfied with the answers to your questions and now your religious beliefs have changed considerably, would you retire or quit working with the religious organization you were involved with.

This is one of the biggest obstacles for most people that seem to get comfortable in their religious environments. If the interpretations of a you Bible verses are incorrect and can be proven, either scientifically or through translation errors, does this mean that there are more verses in the Bible that could be incorrect or misleading.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Ceramic Kitchen Wall Tile To Make Your Kitchen Come Alive

Formed from clay mixtures and usually fired at high temperatures, ceramic tile is commonly employed for floors, countertops, bath surrounds, wall coverings and many more. Generally, these tiles, which are used for counters and walls, are glazed. It is because glazed tiles are great for keeping water away and they are also way easy to clean. Also, ceramic kitchen wall tiles are employed to add a touch of style to your otherwise drab-looking kitchen.

But ceramic tiles aren't the sole type of that can be used for kitchen walls. Porcelain and stone tiles can also be employed. Just make sure that you are knowledgeable of the differences of each type for you to make the right choice.

Installing Ceramic Kitchen Wall Tiles

Whether you are thinking of functionality or stylish looks, ceramic kitchen wall tiles can be an excellent choice. This type of tiles can be ideal for your countertops, around and behind the kitchen sink and on walls because they have the capability to protect them from moisture and water. Another reason why ceramic tiles are used is because they allow you to create attractive accent on your walls.

Before installing your kitchen wall tiles, the very first thing that you must do is to measure the kitchen wall in order to know the number of tile that you will need. Also, decide on the size of tile that will best fit your wall and the theme of your kitchen. If you are planning to employ a unique design, then you must get different tile sizes; you can purchase tiles with different colors too. If colorful kitchen is cool for you, you can also use various tile colors all through your kitchen wall.

Grout held the ceramic wall tiles together. This is a type of mortar that is put between tiles to make them stay in place and fill the gaps between them. The excess can simply be wiped away. Once the grout is dry, it naturally hardens in order to hold each tile together and in their respective places. Grout also comes in different colors and applying this is one of the most significant steps when installing kitchen wall tiles.

You can apply the ceramic tile directly over drywall. If the wall is likely to be damp, a special drywall that's moisture resistant should be employed. Or else, the tile can be mounted to a backer board or a mortar bed. A backer board is composed of a ceramic aggregate core encrusted with a thin fiberglass mesh. It is used to help protect your kitchen wall structure from possible damages and also to make the ceramic tiles stick longer and better. For those who apply tiles to kitchen walls having a thick mortar bed, mortar-type adhesive or thinner mastic is important.

If one or some of your ceramic tiles get chipped or cracked, they can't be repaired anymore. The best and only solution is to get a replacement. If you notice loose kitchen wall tiles, check first the condition underneath before you refasten them. Moisture beneath the tiles commonly causes loosening. Be very sure that you remedied the problem and the backing is in tiptop condition. When looking for replacement tiles, be sure to find one that's similar to your existing wall tile.

Your kitchen wall tiles should be attractive enough to make your kitchen livelier; they must contrast, stand out or blend with the kitchen cabinets and floor tiles.

For kitchen tile ideas, visit

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Kitchen Remodeling Software, An Answer To Your Needs

Do you want to join your neighbors in this ongoing kitchen remodeling craze? Yet youre worried that you dont really have the artistic talent to put your beautiful kitchen design in paper? Plus, you dont have extra funds to pay a designer to work on it, nor do you have the time to sketch it out. Definitely youre looking for a fast, cheap, and convenient help. Thanks to technology, there are thousands of kitchen remodeling software out in the market today. Just choose which one is most useful in your kitchen renovation; these kitchen remodeling software kits are actually equipped with various programs that are beneficial to your kitchen remodeling.

With the different companies, manufacturers, and brands, youll surely drown with the different software products they offer. One thing you must bear in mind is that, you have to read the labels and features of that software package before you buy it. There are several kitchen remodeling software that are helpful and useful only to contractors or remodeling services, there are also some that are programmed for designers use and projects, and there are also some packages that are designed for the homeowners convenience and benefit. Just make sure you get the one thats most useful to you, to get your moneys worth.

Most of the kitchen remodeling software are user-friendly, the steps are as easy as 1-2-3 or A-B-C. Whats even more fun is that, youll feel like youre just playing with your ideas and getting a real visual as well. You may have so many kitchen designs in mind, with various colors, styles, materials, appliances, and fixtures, but you really dont have a clear and vivid image of these designs --- would the colors clash or would it look out of place. By using a kitchen remodeling software, you can finally put it in place and can even mix and match your designs to have the best picture you want in 2D and 3D images.

If youre also not good in numbers and accounting, there are software with additional programs that will help you in handling estimates, costs, budgets, schedules, material quantity, and other project management needs you may have. In this way, you get a picture of what youll spend and buy, at least you wont be wasting so much money, effort, time, and materials because youll know how many tiles to buy, how much paint you need, etc.

With the availability of the kitchen remodeling software, one can surely become more innovative, creative, and artistic in planning and designing.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Remodeling and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Home Remodeling web site. For more articles and resources on Home Remodeling related topics, Remodeling Contractors, Home Remodeling Loans, Remodeling Ideas and much more visit his site at:


Monday, May 11, 2009

Great Accessories For Remodeling Your Bathroom

Sometimes, when planning a remodel, such as in your bathroom, it's hard to know where to start. You'll find that with a bathroom, replacing the old accessories with something bright and new can be both the fastest and least expensive ways to make a major improvement in the look of your home.

Since your bathroom is one of the most important parts of your home, you'll want it to look nice for both family and guests. You probably don't pay much attention to the major accessories, such as the toilet, bathtub, and sink, but they are very important to the overall look of the room. There are a lot of smaller accessories in the room, too, and even by just replacing threadbare towels and rugs with new plush ones, you're going to make a real difference.

Of course, there are a lot of other accessories in a bathroom, too, and you'll find that there are many lovely collections of accessories for you to choose from. I say "collections", because you'll want to make sure that all of your accessories coordinate with your bathroom and with each other. Some of the new items you'll want to consider are toothbrush holders, soap dishes or dispensers, towel racks, towels, rugs, wall cabinets, and scales.

It doesn't matter what kind of look you're going for, either, be it modern, classy, Victorian, or Oriental, you'll be able to find the right accessories to enhance the look you're trying to achieve. Choosing the right accessories will do an amazing amount to make your bathroom look up-dated and new.

Yes, the right accessories can make your bathroom look totally wonderful, but the wrong ones can do just the opposite. Therefore, you need to go slow and look at a lot of accessories, both in stores and online, before you make any decisions. That means, don't just go out and grab the first set you see off a shelf at Target. When all is said and done, you'll be glad you made the extra effort.

It won't be long before you have that cozy, gorgeous bathroom you've been dreaming of.

Two of the most exciting and unique bathroom accessories are Japanese bath tubs and Premier bathtub. Visit for more information.

Are Home Remodeling Costs Down?

Lately we've been inundated by doom-and-gloom news in the media about the real estate market. But if you're planning to stay in your home and remodel or upgrade a rental for future resale, there is actually some good news to report: it's becoming less expensive to remodel as the market slows down and the law of supply and demand kicks in.

A year or so ago, the market was on fire and building materials and labor were scarce and expensive since the demand for both was equally hot. Construction material was in short supply, if you could find it at all, and finding skilled craftsmen for your project was an exercise in frustration. That situation was made even more difficult by the demand for rebuilding areas of the country that had been hit by Hurricane Katrina. On top of that, delivery costs also rose, due to a spike in gas prices. All of those factors contributed to cost increases of as much as 50 percent in certain areas.

The good news about all that? With the slow-down in the real estate market, materials are more readily available and construction people are actually looking for work to fill their schedules. Gas prices came down briefly, though they've begun to rise again, but the other pressures have lessened, which means that the cost of many common remodeling projects has decreased by 20% or more.

That's especially good news if your project is relatively small. During the height of the real estate boom, many contractors turned down smaller projects or told home owners to wait until they could get to them. However, many contractors are now actively trying to drum up work as the market continues to soften.

The downside of remodeling with an eye toward increasing your property's value is that, at least for the near term, your upgrade probably won't immediately pay for itself like it would have in the last few years. Since real estate prices have declined significantly in many parts of America, your remodeling project won't do much from an investment standpoint as it used to. Recent surveys have suggested that even the most popular upgrades, bathroom and kitchen remodels, are only returning about 80% of their cost.

The bottom line: this may be a good time to schedule that major remodeling project you've been wanting, assuming you're not doing it to quickly turn around and use the upgrade to increase your profits. If you do want to sell for top dollar in a buyer's market, you can increase your profits by turning your home into a buyer's dream home using less expensive faux paint techniques.

Whether you want to remodel or just decorate your home, you can benefit from exploring Flip That House with FAUX. See the controversial home that was on Flip That House at Enjoy your home!

Copyright 2007 Jeanette Fisher

Crack In Fiberglas Bathtub

Home Improvement Tips - Types of Countertops

It used to be that laminate was pretty much your only choice for kitchen countertops. Those days are thankfully long gone but now a homeowner is faced with a variety of choices and wide range of prices available for your kitchen renovation.

Some of the popular choices include:

Ceramic Tile

This remains as a popular and economical alternative that is heat and scratch resistant. It is high maintenance though since it needs to have it's grout sealed regularly to avoid staining.


This is a incredibly versatile surface that can be textured and detailed with patterns unlike any other surface. However it is extremely porous and needs to be regularly sealed to avoid stains.

Engineered Stone

This product is made of a quartz composite with colored pebbles or different materials giving its wide range of colors. Texture is usually even and the colors can be reproduced over larger areas. It as extremely durable product that can resist heat and stain.


Granite is a natural stone. It comes from different regions of the world and can vary widely in color and pattern. It needs to be seamed and requires period sealing to avoid stains. It cannot tolerate high heat from hot pans.


Laminate comes in a variety of colors but is not designed to be long lasting. Although it is somewhat stain resistant it will scratch easily. It will also burn easily from hot pans.


This is another natural stone that is porous and stains easily. It must be sealed every two to five years. They are also easily scratched and cannot take high heat from hot pans.


This is a third natural stone that is less porous and doesn't require sealing but can be easily scratched

Stainless Steel

This is a very popular product because of the sleek modern look it conveys. It is very durable and resists staining. Often times the surface is brushed to hide any scratches.


Various types of hardwoods can be used for countertops. It does require regular sealing to avoid drying out and is susceptible to burns from hot pans.

These are some of the pros and cons of the more popular types of countertops. Choose your countertop carefully depending on your usage and needs.

Bob Current writes on a variety of subjects including home improvement tips. You can get a free copy of his report about Choosing The Best Contractor for your project at and at

Stairwell Mold To Basement

Friday, May 8, 2009

Installing Solar Panels For Your Home - House Remodeling Ideas

When it comes to installing solar panels for your home, many of my readers have asked if they should engage professional installers or go the DIY route. In this short article, I'm going to lay it out for you so that you can make an informed decision on which way to go - professional or DIY.

Read on!

Professional Installation

If you look through your local directory or the internet, you should be able to find a good number of companies that provide professional installation for a fee. The installer will first check whether your home is suitable for installation. This usually means a south-facing roof and an area with little tree cover. The company will then take you through the pros and cons of the system and at the end of it, you'll know the appropriate installation system for your home and the cost.

Talking about costs...professional installation doesn't come cheap. An average home solar panel installation costs about $26,000....and that's a hefty investment!

So what does this mean for the average home owner?

Assuming you're paying 15 cents per kilowatt for electricity. At a cost increase of 10% a year, it will take a long 10 years for your power bill savings to offset the solar panel costs! If the power charges are less or if you take out a loan to pay for the solar panel system, well, the payback time just takes longer!

DIY Installation

If you think installing solar panels on your own is a daunting task, rest easy. With the recent U.S. government push on home renewable energy, we're now seeing companies producing step-by-step instructional guides that take you through the entire process. Most of these packages are inexpensive (under $50) and come with videos so that you can learn exactly how assembly and installation is done. Nothing is left to the imagination.

The important thing to installing solar panels is to find the right guide that is best suited for your needs. These guides will also recommend where you can get the parts on the cheap. So all in all, you're looking at about $200 to get your very own solar panel system up and running.

Technical support is usually just a phone call or email away, so that you can rest easy if you're stuck and need assistance.

The best thing about building your own DIY solar panels is that you can start small and later scale up the system to power more appliances at home. You can even go completely off-grid and take the power companies out of the equation! What's more, they will even buy excess electricity that you generate each month. And that's extra cash you could use!

So, Which Way To Go?

It all boils down to this. If you've deep pockets and want a hassle-free installation, get it professionally installed. But remember, it can take you decades for your investment to pay off.

On the other hand, if you're one who can follow instructions and don't mind a little elbow grease, then go the DIY route. For a low initial outlay of $200, you can easily recover your investment in a few months...instead of years!

Installing solar panels for your home can be a fun weekend project for you and your family. More importantly, you will go green and cut your monthly energy bills for good!

Want to build and install your own solar panels but don't know where to start?

Fret not! Many people just like you have successfully built these on their own to DRASTICALLY cut their monthly electricity consumption. They are already shaving $1000s off their energy bills every year. If you need STEP-BY-STEP guidance in installing one, I have reviewed the Best Online Guides on Homemade Solar Panels for your convenience. These highly recommended guides provide EASY-TO-FOLLOW instructions that will help you save money in no time.

Dave Keller is an Renewable Energy Specialist who takes pride in helping the average consumer save on their energy bills using simple DIY devices... and give power companies a run for their money! For a candid review of the best-selling guides, go to his website at now.

Window Flashing Under Window

Thursday, May 7, 2009

How You Can Remodel Your Porch Yourself

There are many benefits your home can gain when you remodel your porch. This great example provided by DoItYourself provides great tips to enhance your outdoors with fresh ideas that employ the usage of carpentry skills, paint and stain to bring in life into a regular backyard. Plenty of mosquitoes along with the need to enjoy summer,spring and fall by lazing around outside, made the homeowners of a residence in Atlanta in Georgia to alter their backside porch from a plain looking slab of concrete to a showcase that was screened in, including insulated drapes. While taking the decision took no time, the actual solution was tedious.

The owners realized that screening the back patio was absolutely needed. It was just a squarish piece of concrete which was placed under an overhanging roof. This made the situation far more complicated. They needed to blend the porch along with the house while also providing a shield from local insects, summer heat and humidity levels. The slab of concrete even had a slope to provide for rain water to go away and so this needed to be trimmed from the frame's inside to fit into the slope.

Here's a stepwise guide of what these people did:

1. Cutting the paneling: Sheets of paneling of the beadboard ceiling variety were cut into 4x8 feet dimensions. These were primed beforehand.

2. Installation of ceiling fans and panels: With the help of a nail gun the owners were able to quickly install the ceiling panels. It was so much easier that hammer swinging and holding on to the panel! Before the panel was installed fan and light wiring was performed on the ceiling. The fan made it possible to make the porch around 8-10 degrees colder as compared to outdoor temperatures. The light made it possible for the usage of the porch during night time. So while one person would hold the fan another person would connect the wiring and then screw the fan in place. The finish trim on the ceiling served to camouflage the panel seams.

3. Framing of the porch: Based on the standard sized screens that were installed, the porch frame which measured 2x4 feet was fitted to size. Crosspieces could be directly nailed on to the vertically placed braces or just toenailed into the area.

4. Interior panel attachment: With the help of a staple gun the beadboard paneling comprising pine along with plywood, was secured into the interior. Although level on the topside, the panels needed trimming on the bottom portion in order to fit into the unevenly surfaced concrete flooring. This used to have a slope to provide rain runoff.

5. Levelling and attaching the exterior panel: All the hardboard panels of the exterior were put into place one by one, right from the bottom to the top. The first panel was customized and cut as per the uneven base line of the ground. The usage of a weather resistant type of paint made it possible to maintain exteriors by just using water and soap for color maintenance.

6. Finishing with the screen: All the vinyl grids were directly screwed upon the wood frame. The screens were placed on the channels present on these grids, thus facilitating a stapleless installation of aluminum and fibreglass screens. Upon rolling these screens with a spline on the grid channels, the extra screen was just trimmed off.

Greg Hansward's papers are published on several online publications linked to insulated draperies and insulated curtain fabric. From his detailed writings, he proofed his knowledge on issues dealing with insulated drapes and insulated draperies.

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