Friday, August 28, 2009

Bathrooms Going Green

With more and more people being concerned about our environmental impact, we find our selves asking - "How can I 'Go Green'?" One easy, high impact way to begin is in the bathroom of your very own home. Why the bathroom? We use a lot of water and power in the bathroom, as well as hygiene and chemical cleaning products. By making a few changes and following a few simple tips, you can go green without getting stressed out.

A great deal of your homes water consumption takes place in the bathroom. You can dramatically reduce your household water use by taking a few simple steps. There are many earth friendly bathroom suites and accessories available to help you use less water, power, and employ more recycled and earth friendly items in your home.

A new shower head can go a long ways tired making your bathroom green without costing you a bundle. These new shower heads put much less water down the drain. If you're concerned that you'll feel like you're soaping up under a trickle, look for those shower heads that aerate the water, making less water feel like more while maintaining a good water pressure.

You can find the same qualities in your bathroom basin faucets. A lower flow, aerated water tap will use significantly less water without making you feel as if you are getting significantly less out of your tap. Remembering to turn the faucet off while brushing your teeth, or any time you are not actually using the water will also save on this valuable natural resource.

Organic cotton linens are becoming more readily available, as are the easily renewable and sustainable linens made from bamboo and hemp. Don't think that by buying an organic or renewable resource product you'll be skimping on luxury. Many of the organic, bamboo and hemp towels and washcloths are of the highest quality. You can also find shower curtains and bathroom rugs made of these same fibers and fabrics, in many colors and styles.

We all need our bathrooms to be clean, but how do you achieve that without using hard chemicals that end up going down your drainpipes? There are a lot of 'green cleaners' available on the market. Look for those that are biodegradable, contain natural ingredients and come in containers made from recycled materials. You can also simply make your own. White vinegar, soda crystals and borax will eliminate bathroom dirt, mildew and lime scale without putting harmful chemicals in your home or your waste water. These old fashioned cleaning methods not only work well, but cost much less than what you can buy at the store.

Having a green bathroom in no way means sacrificing comfort and style. With more options available all the time, going green has never been easier or more fashionable.

Written by James Chapman, a director of Bella Bathrooms who supply Bathrooms for the UK market.

Bella Bathrooms is an online retailer formed by 2 plumbers from the North East of England. Having hands on experience of custom bathroom installation and products has enabled Bella Bathrooms Ltd to only select quality bathroom products for their online shop. They sell bathroom furniture, bathroom suites, showers and bath related products for consumers through the United Kingdom.

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