Monday, July 13, 2009

Natural and Commercial Cleaning Supplies

When it comes to cleaning, commercial cleaning supplies often get the boot in cleaning books. Comparably, the difference between using commercial and natural cleaning solutions is the time and effort required to scrub, having a clean green feeling, and the safety of our health. Natural cleaning may not be preferable for everyone, but it's good to know the differences between natural and commercial cleaning products.

Going natural will often require having to apply a cleaner, waiting a period of time to let it soak in, scrubbing, and then repeating the process until the job is done. Many commercial cleaners don't always require these extended periods of time, or if they do they don't require as much scrubbing as may be required if you were to use natural cleaning solutions. Going natural often requires that you spend time making pastes and solutions to tackle your cleaning chores.

The benefit of natural cleaning products is that you can often buy large quantities of them, like Vinegar for example, at a relatively low cost that will last you for months. Most commercial cleaners may not last as long, the cost may be more expensive, and there are side-effects and potential health hazards they can create. With natural cleaning supplies you will not have to worry about health hazards or side-effects when using your cleaners. It should be acknowledged though that just because a product may be natural does not in any way mean that it is a gentle cleaning solution. By this, I mean that a natural cleaning solution may guarantee better health, but it may not guarantee the complete safety of certain household possessions. In the ways you can cause damage to your fabrics with commercial cleaning supplies, you can do the same with natural ones as well; lemon for example can fade fabric, hydrogen peroxide can cause unwanted lightening to carpet if used to remove a stain, and salt can rust metal and create permanent damp patches. So it's always advised to be careful when using any cleaning solution, period.

Now, going Green may be the most beneficial route to take if commercial cleaners cause problems for you. Many people find undesirable side effects to their health when using commercial cleaning products. Allergic reactions, headaches, and respiratory problems are all common side-effects for some people when using commercial cleaning products. Ammonia and sodium hypochlorite for example, can irritate the lungs and cause respiratory problems. Products with heavy amounts of these chemicals are not recommended for people with heart conditions or chronic respiratory problems. Some cleaning products contain parabens as preservatives, which has been linked with cancer. There are numerous problems associated with commercial cleaning products such as air pollution, water pollution, environmental and health hazards.

For Environmentalists the main concern here is the damage that chemical cleaning agents pose to our planet. Tons of different cleaning products with hazardous chemicals are being released every year and pose more of a threat to our environment. Scientists are continually finding that many chemicals have potential cancer risks. The products you may be using in your home today may indeed be posing dangers to not only your health but your families and the environments as well. This is often one of the main reasons that natural cleaning products are preferred over commercial ones.

Overall, natural and commercial cleaning products have their pros and cons. Depending on your preference, your personal situation, and the time you can dedicate to house cleaning, natural cleaning solutions may or may not be the best route for you. On the contrary, if you prefer natural over commercial and have the time to put into making your own solutions, then you will be able to enjoy the benefits that natural cleaning has to offer you and your family.

Debra Marks is a house cleaning enthusiast and author. For more great information on natural cleaning supplies you can visit a website dedicated to providing quality information on house cleaning.

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