Thursday, September 3, 2009

So Many Benefits in Building a Green House

Energy and cost efficiency are two perks of building using green architecture and design. At first the cost of building green may seem steep compared to a standard home, but the savings on utility bills can compensate handsomely. In green house design, electricity is used more efficiently.

Alternative energy sources can be used to actually save money. Using wind turbines can be one way to create electricity in green homes. Solar panels are an additional way to power electricity in a green house. With the cost of gas and coal powered utilities soaring, an investment in green technologies is likely to offset or even eliminate dependency on these limited resources for those building a green house. Installation and materials are the only aspects of solar and wind power that cost the builder anything. Both abundant and constantly renewable, the resources of sunlight and wind are free! Building green houses with wind turbines and solar panels can be both environmentally friend and economical as sources of power.

Another design concept that can be used is the gray water system. Gray water systems are more efficient because they use water from one area of household and recycle it elsewhere in the dwelling. For instance, using a gray water system could allow green home residents to collect water used while showering for watering a garden or flushing toilets! Unnecessary water waste is decreased in recycling water throughout the home from day to day. Reducing the carbon footprint of a home and saving money on water utilities are two benefits afforded by using state of the art gray water system technologies.

Building materials used and design of the dwelling are also key factors to consider when building a green house. Recycled or salvaged materials are an option in building a green house. From insulation to roofing and even flooring, it is possible to use recycled or salvaged materials for nearly every surface in green house designs! Recycled and salvaged materials have the double benefit of being both more cost effective and in many cases, more durable than other kinds of building materials. Using locally salvaged building materials can reduce the carbon footprint of a home even more if they are locally obtained. Since it does not require as much energy to manufacture and transport locally salvaged building materials, less pollution is created building a green house.

Different kinds of architecture can be used in building a green house in order to regulate indoor temperatures. Design which increases exposure to sunlight and heat retention is possible with green architecture and would benefit those building in cold climates. In warmer climates, a comparable principle of design can be used in building a green house. In warm places, residents can minimize sun exposure and harness naturally cooler biomasses beneath the surface of the Earth. The ways to reduce carbon footprints while saving money are truly endless when building a green house!

See more about building a green house at

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